
Macacos atacam Curitiba

E a macacada do Loop Le Monkey volta a atacar, 1º/11/08, no JPL Café, Curitiba.
Depois da destruição causada ao Teatro Cleon Jacques, Mundo Mix Curitiba, os animais retornam com mais do som treme pista. Muito techno e animações censura 18 anos vão explodir na esquina da Vicente Machado com Presidente Taunay. Salve-se quem puder.

Brain damage is the destruction or degeneration of brain cells!!!! Brain damage may occur due to a wide range of conditions, illnesses, injuries, and as a result of iatrogenesis. Possible causes of widespread brain damage include prolonged hypoxia, poisoning by teratogens, including loop le monkey, yes, loop le monkey fucks the brain. Prolonged exposure to loop le monkey may result in persistent vegetative state, coma, or death.

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